Well, two weeks ago I weighed 133 lbs. Today however... I weighed in and the scaled read...are you ready? ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-EIGHT POINT EIGHT!!! That's 138.8 lbs folks! Talk about heavy! I was told over the weekend...that I was having a baby whale! I guess that person is right on! Dambohalang Balyena! (Big Whale!) I gained over 5 pounds in just two weeks! Hellurh! I need self control! When April Vargus measured my belly she said that I was "a little big". I wanted to know what she meant by a "little big" and so I got the exact number. I measured at 35. She also did a GBS CULTURE
While waiting for April to check me out. I couldn't believe my ankles! I mean my eyes! Where did my ankles go? My feet look chubby and stubby. Too much karing (stinky dried fish) and aramang (fermented shrimp paste) I bet. I had that for lunch yesterday. Oh, the things our bodies go through. I can't even see a distinct medial malleolus. (Hey, I still remember something from anatomy class). At work today... I basically sit for 3 hours while the kids read to me and once in a while I would have to get up and grab a book from the counter behind me or to tap on another student.
Anyway, today in particular...it hurt to get up. My back and my pelvic area was sore. I felt myself waddling like a big chub-a-lub-duckie. My weight is too heavy for my body to handle. My heels hurt when I walk...that I want to wear squishy shoes which I don't have. In the middle of the night...my belly gets so hard it's painful to turn or even get up. My skin is so stretched but glad that I haven't gotten new stretch marks yet. The stretch marks from the previous pregnancies are serving their purpose and holding up. (My mom..had 5 pregnancies and she never got one stretch mark. Her belly is clean. Stretch mark and scar free!) I easily get winded and short of breath. Exercise on a regular basis is impossible! Some days I feel good. Other days I just can't because once I start picking up the pace...so does the contractions and sharp pains in the pelvic area. Boy, I'm not trying to complain...I'm just saying. I'm glad that my body is still able to carry a spirit waiting to be born. I'm grateful for these experiences. It teaches me to honor my body...it is humbling to ask my kids and hubby to do the things which I usually do. It hurts to even squat down to bend and pick something off the floor. I've never felt this before with my other pregnancies. I'm not a super woman after all. =) ha ha.
Anyway going back to my appointment, I asked if she could tell me where Warrior 4's head is at and she was nice enough to get her little portable ultra sound machine and to my relief ....Warrior 4 is engaged! His head is down. His butt is more on my right side and his legs are more on my left side. I hope he stays there.
My next appointment is in two weeks. That's on the 28th of this month. That would make me 36 weeks and 5 days! After that..I will have to see the doctor every week. We are hanging in there.
We still need to get the big stuff for baby. Hopefully next week. =)
Girl! YOU are NOT fat! Me on the other hand...I'm not even going to go there!!
We would totally give you our old baby car seat and stroller but it's OLD and falling apart! Good luck getting everything you need! Let me know if I can help!
dat's okay. I've seen some decent prices online but before I buy..I want to check out Baby Emporium in town. I just haven't had the time to go. Thanks though.
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