Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Time sure does fly. I've been saying that for the past couple of months, huh? Warrior 4 will be turning 1 in a couple of weeks. He is all "lovey lovey". He goes around hugging all of us. He is so loved. He makes us all smile. When someone is grumpy at home, he never fails to bring a smile out of that person.

He is getting better at walking! He is walking faster but is still very cautious not to fall. His feet turn outward . He loves to play with balls and balloons. He throws them and fetches them. His fine motor skill of picking up cereal with his thumb and pointer finger has been mastered.

He loves to play chase master with his brothers. Warrior 2 is very good at making him giggle and laugh.

He is so funny and smart. I'm trying for the 5th time to teach them to at least understand ILOCANO. I tried with the first 4 but I failed. So, I must try again. Hopefully I can be a better teacher this time around.

Here are a few phrases he understands:
aggisigis ti ngipen=brush your teeth
ayan na diay lapayag mo?=where's your ears?
Mabisin ka? Kayat mo ti mangan?= Are you hungry? Do you want to eat? (he'll respond by smacking his lips together and/or he'll put the back of his hand on his mouth.)
Kayat mo iti ubba?=DO you want to be picked up? (he'll put his arms up and say "ubba, mama")
Agidda!=Lie down (he'll put his head down on the pillow)
Rakep= hug
pikpik=rhythmic patting of the ubet, side of thigh or back.
Kayat mo iti uminom ti danum? Inka alaen diay cup mo. =Do you want to drink water? Go get your cup.
agkiremkirem ti mata= "beautiful"eyes

that is all i can remember for now.

His favorite movie right now is BOLT. These are also his favorite parts of the movie, especially the beginning and the "turn and pull" part. I don't know when it all started. OH, wait I took a short clip of him watching the movie. Okay, it all started in March. The dog just captured his attention.

He is also very attentive. When he hears jiggling keys or car doors shutting, he'll say "daddah! daddah!" He loves the KIng! He is very obedient to most if not all of his commands.

Well, this is all for now.

This is one of the very first times he watched Bolt + Warrior 2 making him laugh.


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