Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Good Morning!

Warrior 4 awakens me at 3 a.m. "Mama, dede. Dede." At least he doesn't whack my face anymore to wake me up. Time to eat again? Well, after 10 minutes or so he goes back to bed. At 3:30 a.m. he is up and wanting to eat again. Nurse, nurse, nurse. Hello! Can I sleep now?

Just as I was about to fall asleep... Princess wakes me up at 4 a.m. She wanted to go try the INSANITY workout at the Kahuku chapel I mean the cultural hall. Girlfriend...that doesn't start 'til 4:45 am. Why so early?

Anyway, we went. It was a great workout. I had to modify all the plyo movements. I am no longer a spring chicken...my knee joints aren't as good. So, I modified a lot. I still broke a sweat. Princess plans to make it our Tuesday and Thursday workout date. She tells me that she wants to get me healthy and fit. Aww, too cute. I need to lose 5 more pounds. I hope this will help me accomplish that.

I feel good. I'm grateful for all my many blessings. My family. My honeybuns, the King who works so hard to support us. I'm grateful for him because I can be a stay-at-home-mom. I can enjoy watching my little and not so little GooBabes grow up. Seeing them laugh, cry, work together, whine, tease, yell and all that wonderful and not so wonderful stuff makes me go nuts and crazy about my GooBabes. That just means we are normal.

Anyway, I am going to have a good day today. =) I need to cook rice now.


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