SEPTEMBER 23, 2008
Well, I lot has happened since the last time I posted in September. The King had a birthday in September. He ended up babysitting for a friend who attended the temple. The boy was 1 and 1/2 years old and he just cried and cried for his mom and dad. When the King tells him to stop crying he'll stop for a moment and avoided any form of eye contact. Then something amazing happened. As soon as the King started playing his game (Call of Duty 4) that bebe stopped as if nothing happened. He was fine and was talking bubbles about the game. Hellow! All of a sudden Uncle was his best friend.
Warrior 3 lost a total of 3 baby teeth. One for each month. In fact, he just lost one brushing last night. The upper right is gone. OOppppsss! The tooth fairy was slacking on the job. Hold on. Okay, done. So, two front teeth now is missing. What a perfect timing for their Christmas program this Wednesday.
Wow! Warrior 3 made his bed without having to be told. Anyway, Warrior 2 lost a tooth, too. He no longer believes in fairies though. He told me that he was going to throw it on the roof. That's what I was told to do when I was a little girl in the Philippines but the tooth fairy never came. Bogus!
The Princess and I had a birthday in October. Princess didn't want a party..she wanted to go shopping for clothes instead. So, we did. Later the King took us to ride the Atlantis for Princess's birthday and ate at the Hard Rock Cafe afterwards. The food wasn't even all that great for the price we paid. We could have gone to Todai or Red Lobster. The place was so
empty. Never again will we eat there. Warrior 2 liked the guitars and the decor though.
OCTOBER 17, 2008
The King and the Goo Babes attached candles on the sticks of these caramel/chocolate and all that stuff covered apples. Got 6 of these. Yum!

The gift card above...(which I haven't used by the way) was the perfect gift. You see, a week before my birthday...I was always asking the kids to massage my feet, my upper back and my arms. I was never satisfied though. I was always telling them "more pressure"; "harder!"; "don't stop!"; I sounded like a broken record. Thank you HONEY for the wonderful gift. Now, I can relax and enjoy an hour long massage, pedicure and a shake to go with that. Yum! Total bliss and tranquility. (I wonder when I will finally get to use it. When I'm sore and tense of course.)
OCTOBER 19, 2008
The whole family gave a talk in church after being in the ward for over 10 years. The topic was on "Standing Fast through the Storms of Life." That was
a great experience when it was all done.
OCTOBER 30, 2008
The King was in charge of Trunk-or-Treat. It rained and we had to move it indoors. I didn't buy them costumes this year. They, Warrior 1 and 3 recycled what they used last year since we spent Halloween at Disneyland (nobody saw what they wore). Warrior 2 cut up some shirt, wore a bandana and was a pirate. Princess came in her gymnastics practice uniform. (she came straight from practice that evening). The King wore his Pirates of the Caribbean jersey and his pirates mickey mouse ears....I wore Inang Baket's old duster and tied my hair back, dusted a lot of baby powder on my hair and wore my house slippers. Walah! Instant old lady! =0 I didn't even get to take pictures of this evening. The King came up with all the decorations. He is so talented! Yes, I can brag about him. He is the bomb diggity.
I've started attending our ward choir too since the King started playing the piano for the choir. That's all I have to say about that. Oh, I take that back. Sis. K always brings goodies to eat afterwards.
NOVEMBER 5, 2008
The beginning of November, I was craving for turkey and so I cooked my very first turkey. I couldn't wait for Thanksgiving. I was so proud of myself tackling that 15lb turkey. You see, cooking is not my thing. It takes me hours to cook (that's what it seems like) while the King can just whip something up in no time. Anyway...for me that was a great accomplishment! It was delish! I rubbed it with oil mixed with freshly chopped rosemary and oregano (thanks to Nan and her herb garden!), garlic, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. When that was done, I smeared lots of butter underneath the skin. Oh, I cooked it breast side down...for a juicier and more succulent breast. The skin was thin and golden! Totally artery clogging but it was good and crispy. Yumm!
NOVEMBER 8-9, 2008
Went to a Yoga training at Schofield the 2nd week of November with Aunty Raine. We encountered a MT. 3 moment as we entered the gate. I didn't have the current insurance card. I had to call the insurance company and had him talk to the officer, guard (I don't know the proper title to call 'em) to verify that our van was insured. Whew! The guard was nice and let us through. I just had to drive cautiously following every speed limit. We were late but were not the only ones late. They were just filling out papers. So, we were good. It was a two day training. All day Saturday and all day Sunday. Yup! We skipped church. Thank you to Plain Jayne for taking Warrior 2 and 3 to the game with you. Thank you Tita 96762 for looking after the GooBabes. Anyway, we learned about the brain, the Chakras or energy centers of the body, meditation and we were introduced to several new poses in this level.
Anyway, it was also during this training that I was able to see an Aunty during our lunch break. I was just talking to Papa asking whether this Aunty was still alive. What do you know? I saw her!
NOVEMBER 21, 2008
My first substitute teaching assignment! Mrs. G. whom I PTT for went to the midnight showing of the movie Twillight! It was fun! It was also a day of the evacuation drill for our school. Did you know that the kindies were given treats as soon as we got to the sight. It was the teachers way of checking if the students are all there. My kids had Skittles. They each got 5 pieces. That was part of the plan.
Being in the Kindies class makes me want to go back to school and get certified in teaching these little guys. I did my student teaching back in 1998 in the High School and Intermediate level...I did not like it. The good problem! The naughty kids however, I dreaded! Too much stress. Only if all the kids were respectful and good. Then I wouldn't have a problem teaching in the upper grade level. Right now, the kindies are fresh and young I can still boss them around. Nah, kidding! =) But not totally.
NOVEMBER 22,2008
We went to see the movie Twillight! The King and the 3 Warriors went to D & B while Princess and moih went to see the movie. For me, the movie was okay. I enjoyed my popcorn and mochi crunch. =) Lucky thing ...the King had 2 free movie tickets. Didn't have to spend $20 for an okay movie. I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked at the price on how much it cost to go see a movie now a days. 10 bucks! Well, I was clueless because the King always paid every time we went out to watch. The last time we went it was $7. Anyway...
Oh, I've also been to 3 Pampered Chef Parties this month. Hello! Stoneware is on sale 20% off until Dec. 15, 2008.
Now the King is busy prepping for our Ward Christmas party...which is the same night as the KCC Concert. Princess, Warrior 3 and moih will miss the party. We'll see.
This is all for now.
welcome back to the blogging world and congrats on your pregnancy. Wow baby #5 huh. So exciting!!!
Wo . . . that's some kind of mammoth blogging session. I haven't seen Twilight yet. Hopefully I will soon. Your kids getting all grown up . . . well, pretty soon you'll have to start all over again!
wow, that was a long one and about time too! I don't even remember what I read!...scrolling... Congratulations on Baby #5!! How exciting!! Bummer you're not going to be at the Christmas party! We need you and your princess!! Happy Belated Birthday and what an awesome gift! I'd love a massage! My shoulder hurts! Good thing I have David! I liked Twilight. I wanted to love it but I just liked it. Matinees are poor people's friends! or the dollar theatre!! Yay on turkey! sounded ono!! I have yet to attempt a turkey but seeing as we have oven...anyways, good to have you back!
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