Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mama and Papa are Here!

Well, Mama and Papa finally made it!  Yey!  Princess, Warrior 4 and Moi went to pick them up at the airport, while the three Warriors stayed with the King.  (The King was not done with work so I dropped the boys where the KING  was at.)  At the Shumway's.   

You know it's good when people come over to stay  because it forces me to D- clutter our little space.  I still have a lot junk that I need to get rid of.  I can be a hoarder and a pack rat.  Anyway...every Gooey Babe worked hard in clearing our "junk room" so Mama and Papa can have a place to slumber.  They had to put  up with my nagging and the  yelling of the big bad witch of Laie.  =) Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  That took a lot of energy.

 Even Warrior 4 was beat.  He was so tired that he slept the whole way to and from the airport and then throughout dinner.  The King woke him up during FHE.    I think letting him cry this afternoon made him tired.  He actually showed some tears.

Here are some shots after FHE.  Warrior 2 shared a thought about REPENTANCE and that it is likened unto a pencil with an eraser.  That Heavenly Father will erase our mistakes if we forsake our wrong doing. 

 We also played bonkers for our activity.  Fun and I found out that my reaction is not as strong.  My brain couldn't think fast enough to pick on someone.  Anyway, we had Mamon for dessert.

Princess, Warrior 1, warrior 2, Mama w/ Warrior 4, Warrior 3 and Papa.

Notice Warrior 2, he loves his baby brother.  He wants to carry him all the time.

Froud and haffy Papa and Mama!


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