Warrior 4 is fed. He has pooped (2nd time today). Happy he is. Yoga Mama signing back on at 4:51 pm.
As I was saying...I took a long break from blogging because I've been out galavanting with my parents. Hee hee heee. Mama and Papa's last 12 days with us...i've driven to town 6 times out of those 12 days. That is a record for me. We've visited families I've never known..who have lived here since the 80's. Heloow where have I been? okay im gonna go off here for a little bit. Warrior 4 is making me smile right now.
Warrior 4 is babbling, gurgling and blowing raspberries. His "AAAAAAAh's" and "eeeeeeeeeeehs" are so clear. He also loves banging the soles of his feet together. Last week, 8/19/09 took him to the doctor because he had a fever for 2 days of 102. He weighed at 16.4 lbs. Yesterday, I took him to the doctor because there was fluid oozing out of his left ear. He weighed in at 17 lbs. Whoa...my baby is getting big alright. okay, he is screaming MADNESS. signing off again. 5:05 p.m.
OK. it is now 12:16 Am Sunday (8/30/09) nursing again...but I need to post things that happened for the past 3 weeks. so back to typing left hand only. try wait...gotta switch...ok. NOW... just da right hand.
Mama and Papa came back from their road trip in the mainland going trucking with my brother. oKay it is now 12:49 pm Sunday afternoon. Warrior 4 is now asleep so here goes to blogging.
So, here's what we did when Mama and Papa were here.
We went to visit the Tungpalan's at Wahiawa and we ate goat, cow guts with bile, sayote shoots, some kind of fern from the mountain with bagoong and tomato, BBQ'd lots of meat and tilapias. Not to mention ....most dishes that I miss eating, since the gooey babes and the King don't eat that kind of food I grew up eating. Any kind of DINENGDENG. I took pictures but was unable to download from Mama's camera because she didn't have the cord for her camera to attach to my computer.
We went to visit Aunty Gasyang and Manong Primo and Manang
Joey Pablo in Mililani. I haven't seen them since Princess was a baby. Napan kami diay Waipahu and found a couple of relatives there (da Apong Enoy, Apong Tonio, Manong Tony where we got the mangoes and of course da Mng. Fredo--partner in crime da Papa idi 1998)..then visited a couple more relatives in Ewa Beach (da apong Edot and her son's family Mng. Crispen and Aunty Loling. Tapos we went to Euli and Marco's place.) Visiting these relatives...nakadawat kami iti ornamental plants...dessert rose, orchids, euphorbias and some pinoy veggies as well. These plants kept Mama busy. Planting and transplanting. She missed her garden back in the Philippines.

We took Mama and Papa to the PCC NIGHT SHOW when they had that free showing for the community @ 9:45 pm. We just paid for dinner at Gateway...buffet for $10. Can't beat that. Anyway, show was good!
Mama wanted to see what WAIKIKI looked like but we never got around to doing that. When the kids were at school and we went to town...we were always rushed because we had to be back at 2:30 pm in time for the kids to come home. They are not latchkey kids.
Anyway, I better stop blabbing and just start posting pictures already huh, sistah. Wen dakkel ni Warrior 4-en.
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