Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where do I Begin?

It's been a long week! It feels like a month! I've been busy! Doing what? I don't know. This past week we had ward camp. One whole week of camp. It was also my time of the month. That was junk! Lucky we live close by. I went home to shower. The kids did, too. Some camping, huh?

The week before that...I was polishing my homemaking skills. I jarred two cases of "stuff" like apple pie filling, pear sauce, pear butter, apple butter, blueberry syrup, blueberry jam with pectin and then I ran out of pectin so I made some blueberry jam with no pectin. Here is the recipe: 6 cups blueberries ( I used previously frozen berries) 3 cups sugar, 1/4 cup lemon juice. Simple.

Our fridge was acting "kookoo" so the King had asked us to get all the stuff out. I had about 8 bags (8 cups each) of frozen blueberries in the freezer. I couldn't let that go to waste so I decided to JAR them. Jarring berries and detoxing the freezer: WONDERFUL! Counters and tables full of stuff from the fridge: NOT SO WONDERFUL! Cleaning and scrubbing the inside of the fridge: NOT SO WONDERFUL! Having a clean fridge: WONDERFUL!

Anyway, Warrior 4's 2 bottom teeth started coming in the end of September. He has mastered the art of rolling on his belly. He is a chubby baby! He loves his rice cereal and whatever sweets and junk the King gives him. I'm serious! Soda, ice cream hershey's syrup and etc. I'm done arguing with him. "what's the problem? I did it with the other four and they turned out fine! what's one more!" Okay. Got it.


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