Sunday, December 20, 2009


Here are some pictures of Warrior 4 with me and one with the King. It's so hard to take pictures with the King. He is one goof ball. Taking pictures is not his thing. But, here is my favorite one with him tonight after coming home from the Musical Fireside at the Visitor's Center with Ron Miyashiro and Bishop Harry Brown.

The King is so busy...our ward had the Christmas program and the King played piano in the choir. ( I love it when the King plays. It is a good reminder's one of the reasons why I married him. =) sounds corny but that's true. Haaaaaaaaaay, I'm floating in the air like when I first heard him play.)

Princess sang a duet with Ayanna Schlag. Princess sang the alto.

During the 3rd hour, we went to listen to the King speak at another ward. He is one busy Councilman.

Came home...ate whatever. King made fried rice. I took a nap after lunch.

Goshness, I'm going backwards here. the Fireside. The King trained Princess really fast on how to do the sounds at the visitor's center. Enjoyed the message and music that were shared. Warrior 2 and 3 were out again! Sleeping that is.

The KIng had to go to play/practice with the Hawaiian Choir which will be performing at PCC on MOnday evening. Tomorrow!

Anyway, this is all for now.

* Warrior 4 is now 7 months and 13 days old. Can you believe it? He loves to play and bang on the piano. He loves to eat. Every time he sees anyone of us eating..."umambil". He wants to have what we are eating. His mouth mimics our mouth as if he was really chewing on something. He is one funny warrior.


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