Monday, March 15, 2010

Seen and Heard

After dinner the GooeyBabes are cleaning up. Warrior 3 doing the dishes. Warrior 1 and Princess are putting the food away and cleaning the table.
Warrior 2 wanted to continue to chat with a friend on Facebook.

Me: Warrior 2, sweep the floor please.
He goes and gets the "walis" (broom).
He is swinging the broom around and talking at the same time with Warrior 1.
I continue to observe his sweeping skills and there is a good 3 inches between the broom and the floor.

Me: Warrior 2, the broom needs to make contact with the floor.
Warrior 2: It doesn't have its number.

KIng: OMGosh! (laughs)
Warrior 2 and me laugh.


Nevada Woolfs said...

So funny! I love the jokes too...I'll have to share them with Neil, he'll get a kick out of them. Also love the pictures of your little guy's hair! Wow!

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