Warrior 2 had a birthday yesterday. Made cupcakes for his class and that was it. I was busy inputing data for Coach K's study (it needed to get done) so "no moh nohting" for his birthday. King Honeybuns cooked. We ate dinner, cleaned up.. played UNO and sang him a happy birthday song. We said our prayers and gave hugs. What a birthday, eh? Hey, he is having a Playstation 3 Party on Thursday. i know i need to be better at these things.
Today, the King had a surprise for him. It's a DS! ooooooooo! It's a DS! SCORE! A DS! ...ooooppss....it's not.
"whoah! those are humangous!" says Warrior 3
you know what happened in between.............
Check out these warriors' faces man. Dudes! GOT TEETH?
Jaden got a red DS also but he got it from Santa Claus.
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