I read this somewhere "If life were easy then it wouldn't be hard." Duhr! I know, nobody said it was going to be easy. Why, did you expect it to be? helluhr?! We have to constantly adjust. Some days are good. Others not so good. Like in yoga class, depending on the stresses of the day...we sometimes are not able to do certain poses we usually do with ease. We struggle with some, while flow with the others. Some we can't even do at all. Just because your body is telling you "no, thank you". And you know what? That is totally okay. Just focus on the present moment. Speaking of PRESENT MOMENT. I know I'm rambling on. I don't think I'm crazy but... is it just me or are there others like me that "if you can't handle the heat...you don't get out of the kitchen." Instead you start wiping the counter tops, start washing the dishes, sweep the floor, put the dishes away and etc." OOOOOOOOOO! The king hates that. I don't know why but I just automatically start to clean when things heat up. Yup, focus on the present moment...the argument instead of cleaning moment. =) Just wondering how many of you out there do the same thing. Yes, after all these years I'm still learning, still adjusting. Even with all these oppositions in life....I can't complain. I really have a lot to be grateful for. We have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and clothes to keep us warm. We also have each other's company, 4 bootiful and sometimes handful but helpful children. What more could I ask for? He is Drug FREE. (except for his meds and his daily dose of Aleve to relieve his aches and pains) The king doesn't drink or smoke. Doesn't go clubbing. I know because he is home playing games with the kids. Playstation that is. Although, I sometimes complain about that. But the fact that he is home. It's all good. Really.
Did I mention that he is a great cook? Yup! The King is a great cook! I didn't know how to cook when we first got married. It was never my forte. Even to this day. I had to learn to cook. I have been very fortunate to stay home and develop some homemaking skills. Needed to feed the Gooey Babes physically, mentally and spiritually. I couldn't let them starve. With each child I grew larger. Gained more...you know that good stuff.. {Ef-ay-teee}. Along with that, I believe comes great knowledge and experience . Ha ha! Gets mo ba? (get it?)
This is rare that we will actually be celebrating our special day together because we are usually separated in the Summer time. He is usually home alone while the kids and I go somewhere fun. Happy Anniversary, Honeybuns! I wonder what we're going to do? Do you know? NO, I don't know. (He hates it when the kids and I say "I don't know.") What should we do? (FYI, i'm the boring one. The KING, he is the fun and creative one)
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