I made these little
goodie bags along with my handouts (about service) for my Laurels class today. I baked some chocolate chip cookies to go in these little bags. I waited last minute to do my lesson so I never finished them in time for church. We made it to Sacrament meeting though, but I skipped the 2
nd hour class (Gospel Doctrine) so I could finish my lesson for the 3rd hour. I found myself a corner in the cultural hall since the kitchen was taken. I need to stop procrastinating so I could better prepare for my class. I know I was called in this position so I can better myself. With this calling I am forced to open my scriptures and study them. I am guilty for not opening my scriptures. With this calling at least I get to open my scriptures when I prepare my lesson. I know that is still not a whole lot but it is something. The last time I diligently read my scriptures was when we were challenged by the prophet to read them. Now, that's a long time. I need to repent. I need to study the scriptures. Anyway, this calling is helping me speak to these young women. I need to better connect with each one of them and really get to know them. I'm not there yet but hope to get there. I guess I need to put more effort into really getting to know them. It's just that I don't know what to say. I guess that's what I need to figure out. Any ideas?
No kidding! I learned sooo much being in YW. And I totally regret not getting my YW medallion again. Go for it Yoga Momma! If I were called to YW again, that would be the first thing i would do right away, is start on my next medallion! FUN!
Yoga Momma...Pray, read, then pray and read again, then pray and read again and again. Then 'open your mouth'...the girls will luv ya!
Just be who you are! You're totally awesome and the girls will love you for it! Just talk about anything, come to Mutual and get to know the girls better over there! It's fun. Anywhoo, yeah.
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