I am 28 weeks preggy today and I went to my check up on Tuesday. Well, I gained 5 pounds from my last checkup. I now weigh 128.6 lbs. In comparison, my pregnancy with Warrior 3 I weighed 128.2 lbs at 38 weeks. So, I'm feeling really big right now. I still have 3 months to go. I guess I have to look on the bright side. Since my pre-pregnancy weight with Warrior 4 is 115 lbs... I've only gained about 13 lbs so far. Not bad at all.
Anyway...I took that glucose tolerance test on Tuesday as well and I just found out the result of that test yesterday. It's all good! No gestational diabetes! But there is a something else. They found elevated levels of white blood cells in my blood. I have to do more tests. I have to call the clinic tomorrow and see what else needs to get done. "Dr. April" thinks it's an infection. They need to take a culture of my urine.
I feel okay. Just a little tired. Aunty Raine taught for me this evening. I planned on just cuing them and have Aunty Raine demonstrate to the class...but the class had a very relaxing, peaceful and calm practice guided by Aunty Raine instead. Thank You!
On Tuesday... I felt so tired that I had to take a nap. It's all that food from Monday's FHE at the Krazy Kenis. It was all good!
Well, I'll keep you posted as to what caused the elevated white blood cells as soon as I find out.
what a cute dress! I never looked that good when I was preggo! You rock!
aw, tanks! you are too kind. oh, da dress was a hand me down from my sistah. Can't afford to buy new clothes. I will just wear what I have over and over...I have to keep telling myself...3 more months of the same maternity clothes as long as they fit...it's alright with me.
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