We were all getting ready except for Warrior 2, he was at a sleepover last night. Anyway, as I was putting some color on my face in the bathroom before heading out the door, the King wrapped a red bow around his head. He is such a crack up! He made me laugh and had to take a picture. He presented himself to me since he didn't get me anything for Valentines Day. He feels bad that he didn't get me anything but that's okay. As long as you don't snap at me today, dear. I'm all good. I just want a peaceful and calm day. Full of nothing but tranquil and serene moments. That is all. We'll see how long that lasts.
Anyway, after the baptism...went home and went to Z's step/stability ball class. It was fun! I just need to get out and move more. I need to sweat!
Well, I made turkey for dinner. I popped that in the oven at 12 noon and was ready by 4:30 pm. I made mashed potatoes and gravy...yes from scratch! (I learned how to do it by watching the King lots of times--he is the cook remember?) Oh, gotta have those veggies! I just steamed some broccoli. So, wallah! Dinner is served. I boiled the carcass and saved the broth for later to make soup! Well, unfortunately the King was in Lala Land because he took a late nap. When the King is in slumber thou shall not awaken his sleep. So, the Warriors, Princess and I had dinner without the King.
I'm going backwards here. I think I accomplished a lot today. I was able to declutter my room and got rid of negative energy. I felt rejuvenated! Presco ang feeling!
RED is sooooooooooo Goo's color!
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