Anyway, I went to my 30 weeks check up today (30 weeks and 5 days) and I gained 6 pounds in 3 weeks. Too much sweets in my diet. I know. I really need to eat better. I fear that Warrior 4 is going to be a big baby and to my relief Dr. Chapman said that baby is about 4 and 1/2 lbs. right now. Fundal height is about 26-28 centimeters. That is good since the fundal height should closely match the number of weeks that I'm pregnant.

However..I need to do another blood test. Dr. Chapman said that when I took the GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST....I passed that...but because of the high count on the white blood cells April (the P.A.) suggested that I do a urine culture (suspecting that it was an infection) which I passed by the way. So, when I saw Dr. Chapman today she suggested that I do another blood test in 2 weeks. She said that the cells called METAMYELOCYTES (which were present in my previous blood test) are usually seen in patients with cancer. Helllurh! Can I just freak out right there? No, I was just calm. I figured ....I don't know for sure what it is yet so why stress right?
I will start seeing the doctor more often now. Every two weeks! yey!
Yeh, dont stress. Its all that hormones right now that are making everything out of wack! Glad to hear that you and baby are doing well! Keep up the good work. Your almost done....WOW...that when by fast (at least for me...hehehehe)
Awww! You are such a cute preggo yoga mama! Congrats on another warrior in the making! You make EVERYTHING look GOOD! Enjoy your spring break lady!
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