Good morning! Happy Birthday Warrior 3!
Ate breakfast, we said our morning prayers and then parted for school. As I was backing out of the driveway..Warrior 3 signaled me and asked... (Warrior 2 and 3 walks to school)
Warrior 3: Mom! What are you bringing for my class today?
Me: I don't know....I'll think of something. bye!
After work all I could come up with was to go to the store and buy something already made. I didn't have time to bake anything homemade. So, a box of mini fruit roll-ups was it. I was able to catch Warrior 3 at the Cafe eating lunch and he was happy to have something to hand out to his classmates. Kids are so easy to please. Thank goodness.
The two younger Warriors get home first.
Warrior 3: Mom, did you get me any presents?
Me: No, you'll get it on your birthday party.
Warrior 3: oh, okay.
I'm terrible at these things. I need to be better.
I'm in the room...I hear a knock on the door...the warriors open the door...Warrior 3 comes running in the room. "Mom! I got a package from Gramma and Grampa! Can I open it?"

He shakes the box and tells me and Warrior 2, "I think I hear LEGOS in here. Listen!"
ooooooooooooo! A BIONICLE! I see it! It's a BIONICLE!
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