Monday, July 27, 2009

In the Twinkling of an Eye

Another day in the house...I was eating my breakfast, snack and lunch (all at one sitting ) at 11 and Warrior 4 started to cry in his swing.  I took my time enjoying my food.  Let him cry some  and maybe more.  Then the cry got intense.  He was getting angry so I scarfed my food down.  There goes being mindful when eating.  Okay, feeding time again.  After 10-15 minutes of breast feeding he was out.  He looks so peaceful and content.  Thank goodness for the camera on my computer.  I was able to take a snapshot in an instant.    I am grateful for this moment that i can be part of.  Cuddle and hold me so i can sleep in you arms moment.  In the twinkling of an eye, my eye, your eye.. he will not be crying and screaming for me anymore.  So, remember this time.  I {heart} being a mom.  i love my family.   Thanks Hon...because of you I can stay home and experience the *joy of being a mom again for the 5th time.   

*JOY=laundry, poopie diapers, spit ups, sleepless nights, sleeping in, bath time,  feeding time, smiles, crying time, cooing and gurgling sounds and  funny faces just to name a few.


Unknown said...

aw! Those are such cute pictures!!

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