Grandpa separates while Warrior 1 gets the spot ready.

Warrio 3 is proud of his cucumber planting.

Warrior 2 planting bush beans and cauliflower in his garden box.

Here's the water boy. Warrior 3 waters the papaya trees.

So delicate but Warrior 1 succeeds in planting the beets and lettuce.

Warrior 3 carries a full can of water...my back aches!

Is that enough, Grandma? No, count to 100. He counts by tens!

Warrior 1 gets a lesson on separating the tiny beet seedlings.

Warrior 3 learning how to take the plants out of the pot.

Careful, don't break the stems! Warrior 3 planting cucumbers.

See, Grandpa says, push the dirt around it and press down.

The completed square foot gardens. Big smiles, boys!
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