Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mama and Papa Update

For the past couple of months talking to Mama and talking to Papa or hearing him in the background....here are just a few of the observations I've made regarding his condition. Mama tells me that caring for Papa is 24/7. Papa is not all there. Sometimes when Papa and I speak on the phone...it seems like I am speaking to a child.

He remembers everyone but he has become overly talkative, shouts and swears, cries out loud and more. His drooling has stopped which is good. He is still learning how to walk. There are a lot more that I will not share.

Mama often turns to the Lord, always praying for understanding and strength. That's the wonderful thing about her. She accepts the will of the Father. One day she and Papa were having a conversation as to why they are going through this TRIAL. Papa assured Mama that Heavenly Father doesn't give us to0 big and heavy of a CROSS that we can't carry. So, true. No matter how hard...they are keeping the faith.

*Papa is now able to walk about 10 ft. without any assistance. He is able to sleep longer without having to bother and wake up the "BOYS" (BANI AND BALAS) to use the bathroom and whatnot. Mama for over 2 and a half months was finally able to sleep and feel rested.


Nevada Woolfs said...

Hi! I've just been catching up on your blog and happy to see that your father is improving. I also read about your "orange box" christmas and want you to know what examples you are to me! I felt (and cried) like I was reading those stories at the end of the Ensign! So uplifting and inspiring! Good job you guys, what an amazing family you have!
Please tell Grace and Mel hello!

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