Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Resposible Babes

Warrior 2
has a field trip today
Challenger Center that's where
He woke up at 5:30 am to get his lunch ready.
eats breakfast
brushes teeth
takes the garbage out if not done the night before
off to school at 6:30 am.

arises at 5 am to get ready for school
changes clothes 100 times
meditates in the bathroom for what seems to be hours
practices the piano
eats -- brushes teeth
make pretty pretty
smelly smelly good
puts the dishes away
if time permits, sticks a load in the wash.
Off to the bus stop at 7am.

Warrior 1
gets up at 5:30
sits on his bed staring at something
uses the bathroom for what seems to be an eternity.
get's ready
wears almost the same shirt every other day.
'Hey, I just washed just wore it the other day? you have other shirts...pick another shirt to wear.'

Warrior 3
always sleeping in.
tries to sleep until 7:30 if can.
Sleeps on school clothes so he doesn't have to change in the morning.

get up
wash face
eats and then brushes teeth
changes shirt when it gets wet from brushing or washing hands
then off to school between 7:40-7:50 am

Warriors and Princess are so different. =)


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