Thursday, February 25, 2010

I Moved!

I was motivated to move this evening. Try 11:00pm-1:00am. I just did basic exercises like jumping jacks, knee lifts, squats, quick feet, run in place, ....I was just doing anything for the sake of sweating. I just varied the speed and added weights to increase the intensity of those basic moves. I accomplished what I wanted to accomplish which is to feel lactic acid in my body, sweat to get rid of toxins and I feel good. It is a start. Let's see if I can do that again tomorrow night! You see I need to lose 20 lbs. but I haven't been successful. That's because I haven't really done anything for it. Ayay-yay!

What made me decide to do that at this time? I don't know...I just felt like it. I felt energized. It must have been the hour plus nap I took this afternoon before going visiting teaching. Anyway, I'm just jotting my thoughts down. Everyone is asleep. Yup..I guess you can say I am talking to myself. The King would call that "CRAZY".

I tried jogging with Princess but my knees always felt sore after a couple of minutes. So, that didn't last. But I discovered something that made it feel stronger. My knees that is. On February 13, 2010 that is a Saturday... I went with Natalie Norton to BIKRAM YOGA one Saturday morning. Well, 26 poses done twice in a heated room was awesome. The thing that the instructor challenged me to do was to lock my knees in doing a couple of the balancing poses. I was like what?! I learned to never lock the knees when doing any type of exercise. I tried anyways but I was shaking big time. My knees are weak! Got to get them strong again. After the hour and a half of BIKRAM. I felt good, refreshed and rejuvenated. Later that day, I noticed that my knees felt different. It was good...they felt new. Gotta do more BIKRAM.

I also need to work on decreasing (not eliminating) my sugar intake. NGII! I just have to make better choices when I eat. I have to remember portion control and eat more veggies.

I've been complaining about my weight and shape, how I can't fit any of my clothes comfortably ..but I don't want to buy new clothes. Thanks to my sister...she passes her unwanted clothes to me. I get to wear new hand me down to church every now and then. I had to clear out my closet and give away most of the dresses I have because the zipper don't want to zip up.

I have been lazy to go for walks with Plain Jane and Tita 96762. December I think was the last time I walked with them. I said I was going to walk with them in March. Cross your fingers.

That's all for now.


Amie said...

Great start! Hopefully we'll see you in March, 3 days away!

missionary mama said...

yes, I'll be there.

Malie said...

Good for you! You can do it! BTW, you look awesome every time I see you.

Unknown said...

I need to lose weight too. More than 20 lbs though! haha! but I haven't done ANYTHING and I always complain. So I better do something about it too! You are an inspiration!

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