Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there! still at the hospital waiting. I'm bored so i decided to take several shots of the rose given to me by one of the nurses last night. what am i waiting for? I am waiting for warrior 4's doctor to come. today is the day that he is getting circumcised. we are also going home today. I would've gone home yesterday but couldn't since warrior 4 was not circumcised yet.
i was up at 6:30 am got dressed ready to go home..called the King at 7 am who went home with the goo babes last night..that discharge time is around 11 am.
okay...so they get to the hospital around 9 and dr. still wasn't in to give warrior 4 his circumcision. so, the goo babes
ate whatever was left in the fridge..watched some tv and then around 10:30 dr. came to do her thing.
The procedure didn't take long at all..it went pretty quickly. So, why didn't she do it yesterday then? Anyway, it was beautifully done. They wrapped this ring around his "tutuy"
to absorb the blood and walah..it doesn't look that raw.
Well, we can finally go home. Signed papers here and got a copy of his footprints and his immunization card blah blah blah. Anyway, happy that we are taking home a beautiful and healthy baby boy.
Guess what? I don't have enough formula for Warrior 4. The nurse at the hospital didn't want to give extra formula. She is for nursing 100%. She gave me one 2 oz bottle and we had one left in the bassinet drawer...so we were able to take home 2 bottles. How's that? It didn't occur to me as we were driving home from the hospital to stop by the store to buy a couple of cans until 5:45 pm. Foodland is closed on Sundays so we had to drive to Tamuras in Ha'ula to get some formula. By the time we got to the store...there was a lady monitoring the door

and told us that they were closed but then asked us what we were buying ...I said "FORMULA" and she was nice to let us in. Because it's Mother's Day they were closing early at 6. We were lucky..the lady was kind enough to let us in. So, I thanked her again as we walked out the door.
I wonder how it is going to be with a new baby at home? Are we going to be successful at nursing? I really want to nurse. Can I mention how expensive formula is now? The ones we purchased at Tamuras were $20 each can. Can you believe it? I guess ...it's been over 7 years since I've purchased formula.
Anyway, how soon will I start to get cranky and tired and have baggy red eyes? When is my body going to swell and bloat up? Gosh, the joy of being a mom. All the transformation and transfiguration that our bodies and emotions go through. Such an awesome calling to be a MOTHER. What a privilege. What a blessing.
The King will be staying home while I go back to work tomorrow. There is only 3 weeks left of work/school..might as well finish it. =) Again I say... blessings! Everything just worked out. I am truly grateful...grateful indeed for everything!
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