I woke up and contractions were 5 minutes apart. It's time! It is really happening! No...there are no pains just tightening of my belly. Anyway...the King was out in the living room on the computer..I told him that my contractions are 5 minutes apart and to wake the kids up while I get ready and take a shower. Before leaving home, I asked the King to give me a blessing. As King proceeds to say the prayer, Warrior 3 starts to say the prayer. =) Too cute. Anyway, we left home at 1:30 am. Dropped the kids off at Aunty Amie's house. Thanks so much Aunty Amie for everything! We get to the hospital safely. We were admitted around 2:30 am. I weighed in at 139.5 lbs.

The room was all set for delivery. They thought I was ready to deliver when we got there. Well, I guess that's because during my checkups... I kept warning the doctors that my labors with my other pregnancies were quick. I guess I jinxed it. Anyway, I'm jotting down my contractions in my journal. I'm being monitored. My contractions are about 3 minutes apart but no pain. After 30 minutes..I was allowed to walk around to speed up my labor. I walked briskly up and down the perimeter of the birthing center. Nothing painful was happening. SO, all I could do was to keep on walking. The nurses were like.."You are walking too fast." "You don't look in pain."

After 30 minutes I was required to go back in the room and be monitored. bleh. It was kind of cool though to hear Warrior 4's heartbeat. I tried to nap as I was being monitored. I kept telling myself to relax and visualize Warrior 4 descending down the birth canal. Well, this cycle of walking 30 minutes to 1 hour: back in the room to be monitored seemed forever! I told the King to rest so he can have energy when the time comes.

As you can see...5:30 am and still nothing was happening. I kept telling the King to rest everytime he woke up to see if "something" was happening. Nope! nothing! Zero! So, since the King was up...I had asked him to take a picture. I know...I should've asked him to take more. Maybe if our Princess was with us..I would have a lot more shots. =) A variety of them.

I look sooper humangous in this picture. Duh! Because I am. The hospital gowns didn't help accentuate my sexy figure. Ha ha ha. I look so BLAH! I didn't bring my makeup stuff like was suggested in one of the pregnancy sites. Not even the basics (eye liner, lip liner and lip gloss). =). Nada!

Here is the King! He is sleep deprived. Such a good sport. Go to bed I said!
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